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3 Things You Should Not Do If You Have An Upcoming Deportation Hearing

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If you are scheduled for immigration court in a case that involves the potential for deportation, you are probably worried about what is going to happen when you go to court. Standing in front of a judge who has the power to send you away from your new home can be very frightening, and it is always possible that you will be deported. However, there are things that you can do that will either help or hinder your case. These are a few things that you should not do if you have an upcoming deportation hearing.

1. Skip the Hearing

You might be tempted to skip the hearing and "hide out" for a little while to avoid getting deported. However, this is one of the worst things that you can do. If you hire a good immigration lawyer and take the proper steps, there is always the chance that you will be granted permission to remain in the United States, which is certainly a better option than hiding and hoping that you won't get caught. Plus, you can talk to your lawyer about leaving the country voluntarily, which will help you maintain a better record and can improve your chances of coming back to the United States the legal way. This will not be an option if you skip your hearing.

2. Commit Criminal Activities

Getting in trouble with the police in the area that you are currently living in can be bad news when you are already facing deportation. This simply arms the judge with more reasons to send you back to your home country, so avoid doing anything that is illegal.

3. Handle Things on Your Own

You may think that you can fill out all of the necessary immigration documents and otherwise take all of the necessary steps by yourself. If you don't have a lot of money, for example, this might seem like the best choice. However, preparing for your own immigration hearing without the help of a lawyer is not easy. Since you won't know the right steps to take, this could make you more likely to get deported. It is always best to seek legal counsel when you are facing deportation.

It is critical to watch your every step if you are preparing for a deportation hearing. Avoid doing these things, and make sure that you work with a lawyer who is experienced in handling immigration matters. Then, you will have a better chance of not being deported.

To learn more, contact an immigration attorney like Tesoroni & Leroy
